Students’ Suggestions for Improvements on a Pre-Degree Language Course Moodle Page at the University of the South Pacific
This study explores students’ responses in the form of suggestions on what could be done to enhance the learning process and increase interaction on their course Moodle page. The study involved 109 pre-degree students enrolled in LLFXX, a compulsory English course for the Foundation program. A questionnaire was designed on Moodle and 80 Blended and 29 Print mode students were enrolled on this Moodle page to answer this questionnaire. Students’ responses were classified according to their mode of study (Blended and Print) under two themes: enhance the learning process and increase interaction on Moodle. Their response identified changes that could enhance their learning and increase their interaction on the LLFXX Moodle page.Published
How to Cite
Karishma, K. ., Raghuwaiya, K. ., & Chand, R. (2023). Students’ Suggestions for Improvements on a Pre-Degree Language Course Moodle Page at the University of the South Pacific. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 8(2), 106-117. Retrieved from
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