Valued and Devalued Landmarks of Postmodern Ethics


  • Iacob Coman PhD, Dimitrie Cantemir University of Târgu Mure?, Romania


In this study we try to capture the phenomenon of redefining ethics at a proposal level. Human society in general and European and American society in particular have detached themselves from the ethical classicism that has lasted for millennia. The authority over the historical taboos at this beginning of the millennium is unique in the history of mankind and unique in its actions. Supported by scientific discoveries, contemporary society manages to value the unethical classic and devalue intrinsic ethics in ways that propose a completely different ethics. We intend to debate this reality from a perspective with slight biblical accents and yet equidistant in discourse and conclusions. The three parts of the paper-Devalued Biblical Ethical Landmarks, Valued Humanist Unethical Landmarks and Valorisation and Devaluation of the Ethical Being-are also the paradigms through which we evaluate this redefinition of ethics.

KEY WORDS: ethics, ethical valorisation, ethical devaluation, ethical being, humanism, unethical, stability-in-change, the being of obedience



How to Cite

Coman, I. . (2018). Valued and Devalued Landmarks of Postmodern Ethics. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 3(2), 51-61. Retrieved from