

  • Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru Professor PhD Dr.Habil. ‘Timotheus’ Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, Romania


From its very beginnings, humanity has developed a natural morality of preserving the human condition on Earth. This moral code has led to the creation of prohibitions born out of the need for freedom and survival. Every human being must exercise the freedom to establish self-imposed limits by refraining from actions that are harmful to oneself, others, or human nature in general. Freedom means to do anything, as long as you do not harm the person next to you, because your freedom ends where the freedom of others begins. The minimum condition for human morality is the ability to make free, rational decisions. The human condition includes having a rational morality, privileged by the fact that we also have a natural morality. Two very important values for morality—love and mercy—are natural and innate. As human beings, we are born with a certain capacity to strive for morality, and whether it develops or not is up to us.



How to Cite

Rotaru, I.-G. (2024). Editorial. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 9(1), ix-x. Retrieved from https://www.scientiamoralitas.com/index.php/sm/article/view/280

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