Aspects of Biblical Philosophy on the Development of World Civilizations


  • Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru Professor Emeritus PhD.Dr.Habil. ‘Timotheus’ Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, Romania; PhD Supervisor, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania


It is worth noting how a secular perspective can be harmonized with what Holy Scripture presents and especially how the text of Scripture becomes relevant in a context where we are talking about the development of world civilizations. By bridging the gap between the secular and the religious, a common element emerges—the analysis of human society and its development, mechanisms, and consequences, things that we find, one and the other, in the same material of history with the distinction that different causes may be present. In this paper, we have tried to show that human explanations of the development of world civilizations are not always sufficient because, according to human logic, certain events could not have taken place. From this perspective, it is important to know the scriptural perspective on events in world history because the revelation of Scripture usually goes somewhere beyond what we see and what we have recorded as events in history, penetrating somewhere into the heart of the issues, providing a broader vision of our world’s events. KEYWORDS: philosophy of the Bible, development of civilizations, political forces, religious forces, globalization



How to Cite

Rotaru, I.-G. (2023). Aspects of Biblical Philosophy on the Development of World Civilizations. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 8(1), 62-79. Retrieved from

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